Your adventure starts here!
Whether you are new to fly fishing or an avid angler, this handy, versatile, all-in-one kit is ready to go when you are.
Any lake, stream, or river, and most any species — if there are fish, this kit has everything you need to connect. Just add water!
Kit Includes:
- Quality graphite fly rod
- 8’6”, 5/6 weight, 4-piece rod
- Large Arbor Reel
- Pre-loaded with backing, Superfly Performance line and leader
- Rod Sock
- Fly Box with six proven fly patterns:
- Adams (dry fly)
- Elk Hair Caddis (dry fly)
- Copper John (nymph)
- San Juan Worm (nymph)
- Muddler Minnow (streamer)
- Wooly Bugger (streamer)
- Instructional DVD : Learn the basics of fly fishing
- Superfly Hat
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